During the microblading healing process scabbing, patching and loss of pigment is almost common. I will describe everything step by step for healing process day by day. It is found that some scabbing and flaking is quite normal.
You may be confused that sometime you r brow is normal and sometime is not and let us see what is the actual condition. You should always be careful during whole period of microblading healing process.
Throughout the healing process lasting over a month you must be very careful to follow the instructions given in the guide. You should also abstain from those things advised to avoid and that is not so hard.
- Day 1: I like and love my new brows. Your brows are perfect, fresh and brand new.
- Day 2-4: During this period the brows grow darker and thicker. But don’t worry it will ne lighten again.
- Day 5-8: During this period your brows may be scabbing and flaking off. Do not try to remove the scabs and there is a risk of removing pigment.
- Day 9-10: The brows completely fall down! But don’t worry the brow is still there. You need to have touch up now.
- Day11-28: The brows are coming back but they are patchy. It will be looking incomplete during this part of healing time. Most of the patches will fill over time. In some area if touch up is not affected that will help filling.
- Day 29 after touch up: Now it is better than I had ever thought. and this is the real cycle of healing process day by day.
Is scabbing normal after first visit?
The answer is simply –yes.Scabbing is a normal part of a healing process. Ointment healing is more crispy and when everything done there is the issue of scabbing. When using ointment most of the scab are covered and less likely to be picked up.
The dry healing result in more scabbing but can be more tempting for those who have tendency to pick up. Scabbing generally starts from day 5 and continues up to day 10. As the scab falls naturally your brow becomes patchy. But don’t worry. It is only temporary.
If however if any pigment is lost during healing process it can be reapplied during touch up. You brow is as like as a shallow tank of pigment so not to be worried. When the healing process is natural let the pigment go naturally
It is noted that at least 10-15% pigment will fall out or fade away during the initial healing process that can be reapplied during touch up.
Microbladed brows 6 months later:
The first question will it be staying more longer time? The answer is yes the will. If however you follow the aftercare instruction 100% you be of course be rewarded.
The average length of brows life is between 9-15 months. The main two factors for brows longebity are : Ability to adhere to the microblading aftercare instruction.
And the other is getting touch up after 6 weeks. As long as you can perform these two things you can be sure that your brow will last. Some other factors that are out of control may hinder the longevity of brows.
These unknown factors are your oily skin, your hormone, and your genetics and these are the factors that you can’t change.
Emotional hoops during microblading healing process
Emotional part is one of the most important factor that effects the total healing process. Above all you should have a deep knowledge of microblading eyebrows process. This is of course normal during the healing process and I am going to detail it below.
- Your brow will grow darker and thicker from the dsy5. Be prepared to see that your brow looks harsh and unnatural during this period. If you have spouse or others you can ask them about your brow how they feel.
- When the darkness wears off You will start scabbing and flaking and underneath you will find no pigment left. Don’t worry the brow will be appearing with natural look. As long as are following aftercare instruction there is nothing to be worried.
After three to four weeks you notice that there are some patches and strokes did not retain as that should have. So you can easily understand that after first visit you cannot get the perfect brow.
That is why everyone need s touch up. Any missing stroke may be filled touch up and as such it is so important and without this touch up your brow will never be complete brow.
Make sure that do during microblading healing process
- Brush your teeth twice every day.
- Floss daily.
- Use a soft cristle bush for cleaning.
- Choose a mouthwash which is alcohol free.
- Look for sign of complication specially infection.
Make sure that don’t during microblading healing process
- Don’t use tongue scrappers.
- Don’t play with your jewelry.
- Avoid enjoy French kissing and oral sex until the piercing completely heals.
- Don’t play contact sports with your jewelry.
- Don’t smoke or drink alcohol during healing time.
Tips for long term care after microblading:
As soon as you feel piercing in tongue, you are not still cleaning and hygiene. You can avoid salt wash but be sure of mouthl health. You must ensure that while using jewelry for tongue piercing must be of quality.
Try to use jewelry made from pure steel, titanium or 14 caret gold. Less quality of metal will cause allergic reaction or infection problems. Be sure to check up your dental checkup always until piercing stops.
Tongue piercing may increase from cuts and gum recession. Your dentist should inform the changes and accordingly can advise you for further necessary action.
While we are talking about microblading eyebrow we are to select the best microblading makeup pigment in order to have natural and vibrant eyebrow that enhances the appearance.
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